
Charlie Watts Fashion (Part-1)


Charlie Watts's Guide to Dressing Like a Gentleman

Date : 2012,06,29 Fri.

Source : GQ

Writer : Mary Kaye Schilling

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts


GQ : You've been wearing serious suits for a long time. Did that have something to do you with your jazz heroes?


Charlie Watts : The jazz thing was a big influence, of course, but I really got a love of clothes from my father. Not because he had a huge wardrobe or anything, but he used to take me to his tailor. In those days you'd have a little Jewish guy in the East End in London, who made you things. 

GQ : あなたは長い間、真摯にスーツを着ていますが、それはあなたのジャズ・ヒーローたちと何か関係がありますか?



Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Lillian (Mother), Charlie and Charles Watts (Father)
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
East End of London
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Tailor in East End of London

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Jewish Tailor in East End of London
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Jewish Tailor in East End of London


And then I fell in love with a lot of Hollywood—well, pop singers at the time, like Billy Eckstein, who favored really distinctive collars on his shirts. Wonderful-looking man as well. 


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Billy Eckstein
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Billy Eckstein


The lovely thing about jazz guys in that period—the fifties and sixties—was that they were very handsome men—Duke Ellington, Lester Young, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis—but they were also very stylish. 


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Duke Ellington
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Lester Young
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Parker
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Miles Davis


When Miles wore a green shirt on the cover of Milestones, then everyone had to have a green shirt. 


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Green Shirt

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Trumpet & Green Shirt
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Miles Davis
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Miles Davis


Another big iconic guy, Dexter Gordon, made a record called Our Man in Paris, and he had one of these pins through his collar, which I now have hundreds of. The lovely thing about all of them, though, was that their clothes were worn. They weren't just put on, to the office and back. They sat all night in the things. They played in those suits. How they played in those suits I don't know.

デクスター・ゴードンは当時アイコン的な存在で、アルバム『Our Man In Paris』のジャケットでカラー・ピンをしている。今では私も何百も持っているよ。彼らジャズ・マン達の素晴らしいところは、実際に着こなしているってことだ。ただ単にスーツを着て、仕事へ行って帰ってくるだけじゃない。彼らはスーツを着て、一晩中過ごすんだ。しかもスーツのまま演奏もする。まったくスーツ姿でどうやってプレイできたのか、私にはよくわからないよ。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Dexter Gordon "Our Man in Paris"
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Dexter Gordon with a Collar Pin

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Collar pin 1
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Collar pin 2
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Collar pin 3

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Collar pin 4
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Collar pin ・・・
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Collar pin 100!


GQ : Haven't I seen photos of you playing in a suit?


Charlie Watts : Not very often. I mostly wear short-sleeved shirts or T-shirts. I used to play in jackets when I was very young.

GQ : あなたがスーツを着てプレイしている写真を見たことがないんですが。


チャーリー・ワッツ : めったにスーツは着ないね。たいていは半袖シャツかTシャツを着ている。まだ若かったころはジャケットを着てプレイしたこともあったけどね。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion


GQ : Charlie, who designed the suit and shirt you're wearing?


Charlie Watts : Me!


GQ : You designed it?


Charlie Watts : The thing with men's tailoring is that you don't really design it. If I went to my tailors—I have two in London—and I said I wanted a notched lapel on a double breasted suit, they wouldn't make it.  It's always a peaked lapel on a double-breasted suit. There are things no good men's tailor will do. And you think, why not? But then when you see someone try those things, they look wrong. It's a hundred years of making a suit a certain way, and I love the tradition of that.

GQ : チャーリー、あなたが着ているスーツやシャツは誰がデザインしているのですか?


チャーリー・ワッツ : 私だ!


GQ : あなたが?


チャーリー・ワッツ : メンズの仕立屋では、客のほうからデザインについて口出しはしないのが普通だ。私はロンドンに行きつけの仕立屋が2人いるけど、もし私がダブルのスーツをノッチド・ラペルで仕立てるように注文しても、彼らは作らないだろう。ダブルのスーツはピークド・ラペルと決まっているんだ。仕立屋たちには、決してやらないお約束ってものがあるんだよ。「なんでダメなんだ?」って思うだろう? でも、誰かがノッチド・ラペルのダブル・スーツを着ているのを見たら、やっぱり何かが違うんだよ。これは何百年も続いたスーツの仕立ての方法で、私はその伝統を尊重しているんだ。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Notched Lapel on a Single-breasted Suit
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Peaked Lapel on a Double-breasted Suit


GQ : What I love about you, Charlie, is that you make wearing a suit look so easy.  You make everyone else look like they're trying too hard.


Charlie Watts : Compared to who? Other guys in the band? To be honest, I have a very old-fashioned and traditional mode of dress.  I get embarrassed, and I don't really like going to photo shoots. I don't like stylists. If you were Fred Astaire, you wore something and you had it on all day.

GQ : チャーリー、私はあなたがスーツを自然に着こなしているところが大好きです。他の人たちが、一生懸命着こなそうとしているように見えてしまいます。


チャーリー・ワッツ : ストーンズのメンバーと比べてって事かい? まあ確かに、私はとても旧式で伝統的なスタイルの服装だからね。奴らといるときまりが悪い気もするし、だいたいフォト・セッションに行くのが好きじゃないんだ。スタイリストたちのやり方が好きになれない。フレッド・アステアだったら、いったんスーツを着たら一日中着ているはずだ。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Fred Astaire
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Fred Astaire


It wasn't just put on you, which is what a stylist does. So I always felt totally out of place with the Rolling Stones. Not as a person—they never made me feel like that. I just mean the way I looked. Photos of the band would come back—I'll have a pair of shoes on and they've got trainers [sneakers]. I hate trainers, even if they're fashionable. 


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion


I mean, I like fashion, because it pushes it and bends it around, but it takes a long while to get to this point—if you're that interested in being at this point _[laughs]—_where you understand what works for you.  And so while I love fashion—I go to all the shops regularly, wherever I am—I have to adapt it to myself, but nothing fits me cause I'm too small, so I'll look at the clothes, then go back and try to adapt them. And as I've gotten older, there are particular things I like and don't like—little things.



GQ : Like what?


Charlie Watts : I ain't tellin' ya, because everyone would have them and I won't have anything I like [laughs].


GQ : Are there any designers who do clothes you would buy off the rack?


Charlie Watts : I have a few Prada raincoats, but sometimes they are too fashion—jackets with two lapels.








Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Mario Prada

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
PRADA London Old Bond St.


Ol' Ralph Lauren does some lovely things. His stuff is the sort I love—old  English and Waspish Boston. That look suits me—especially now that I'm a gray-haired white man of a certain age. The trouble with Ralph is that his clothes are huge. For a little man, he makes big sizes.


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Ralph Lauren
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Ralph Lauren

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
RALPH LAUREN London New Bond St.


GQ : You say the old English style suits you now, and yet you were wearing double-breasted suits in your twenties, and they looked great.


Charlie Watts : Yeah, well that's cause I always thought I was Lester Young or something.

GQ : 古い英国風が好みだとおっしゃっていますが、20代の頃のダブル・スーツ姿もとても素敵でしたね。




Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Lester Young
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Lester Young


I've always lived in that dream world. I still do. I still imagine that I'm playing in a club in New York—the Apollo or somewhere in Chicago. It's what I love. 


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Apollo Theater
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Apollo Theater
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Apollo Theater


I collect jazz things. I just got a 1930 flyer of Chick Webb at the Savoy Ballroom. I have piles of* daft things like that.




Dave Green : I have smaller piles** _[laughs]_.



デイブ・グリーン : 俺もちっちゃな痔**を持ってるぜ(笑)

 *piles of : 山ほど, **piles:痔

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Chick Webb
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Savoy Ballroom

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Flyer of Chick Webb at the Savoy Ballroom
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Flyer of Chick Webb at the Savoy Ballroom


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Dave & Charlie

Charlie Watts : We both have a love of jazz that goes beyond playing it—the look and life of it. I used to go and watch drummers play, and what I first fell in love with were the drums glittering in the lights. You must remember that the era we come from, jazz was very hip and fashionable for young people.


Dave Green : It was so stylish—the pinstripe suits.

チャーリー・ワッツ : 私たちはジャズを演奏するだけではなく、スタイルや生き様として愛しているんだ。昔はよくドラマーたちが演奏するのを見に行ったもんだが、最初にほれ込んだのは、まぶしいライトの中に輝くドラムだった。知っておいてほしいのは、ジャズが若い奴らにって格好よくてファッショナブルだった時代に私たちは生まれたってことだ。


デイブ・グリーン : ピンストライプのスーツとか、すごくスタイリッシュだったな。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Parker
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Miles Davis
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Nat King Cole


GQ : Fashion seems to be going back in that direction—a lot of younger designers are featuring double-breasted and three-piece suits, pinstripes, and there's a big British influence this fall.  It's nice to see men trying again. You get so tired of jeans and flip flops. 


Charlie Watts : There's a place for all of it. And, to be honest, it takes twice as much time to get ready if you're going to dress well—though my wife will say, “What else you got to do? [laughs] People don't give it the time or thought anymore. It's just something I love.

GQ : ファッションは、そちらの方向に回帰しているようです。多くの若いデザイナー達が、ダブル・スーツやスリーピース・スーツ、ピンストライプに注目しているし、この秋には英国からの影響がありそうです。そういった再興への動きはいいことだと思います。ジーンズやサンダルには飽き飽きしていますから。


チャーリー・ワッツ : どんなファッションにも居場所ってものがある。正直うまく着こなそうと思ったら、人一倍時間がかかるものだ。私の妻なら「ほかにやることがあるでしょ?」っていうだろうけどね。(笑)みんなは時間をかけたり悩んだりしない。でも、私はそういうのが好きなんだ。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Shirley (Wife)
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie & Shirley
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie & Shirley


To me, it's a bit of a lost world. Having said that, you'll see an old man walking down the street in an overcoat that is fantastic, or a young boy who just happens to look great. The trick when you get to my age is realizing that what works on a young boy won't quite work on me.


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion


GQ : How many suits do you own?


Charlie Watts : I have about two hundred in London. And another few in Devon. But some of them are quite old.

GQ : どれくらいスーツをお持ちですか?


チャーリー・ワッツ : ロンドンには200着くらいあるよ。他にはデヴォンにもいくらかある。ずいぶん古臭いものもあるけどね。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Central Part of London
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Countryside in Devon


In the sixties, I used to go to a place on Madison Avenue; I'd get loads of things made there and slowly they go out of date. But most of my stuff I still wear, some from thirty years ago.


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Madison Avenue
Charlie Watts _ Fashion


Dave Green : Your physique really hasn't changed since you were a teenager.


Charlie Watts : I never weigh myself. But if I put my trousers on and they don't do up, then I don't eat until I can. [Laughs] Which is not very good for you.



チャーリー・ワッツ : 体重なんて計ったことがないよ。もしズボンが履けなくなったら、履けるようになるまで何も食べないだけだ。(笑)君には無理だな。

Charlie Watts
Charlie Watts
Charlie Watts
Charlie Watts


GQ : I ran across  a great photo of Keith Richards cutting your hair. It looked to be in the late sixties. Did he do that often?


Charlie Watts : Yes, he did.  We both hate new shoes and we both hate hairdressers. He's always cut his own hair. He takes it deadly seriously, that.



チャーリー・ワッツ : そうだね。俺たちは新しい靴と散髪屋が大嫌いだったんだ。キースはいつも自分の髪も切っていたよ。結構真剣にやってたね。


GQ : I don't think I'd want Keith Richards coming near me with scissors. What about shoes? Do you have those made for you, and how many pairs do you own?


Charlie Watts : I don't know the number, but I have one of every style. I don't ever get two pairs of the same shoe, unless they come in different colors. I have my shoes made at George Cleverley at Royal Arcade in London. He was a very famous shoemaker who lived to the age of ninety.

GQ:キース・リチャーズがハサミを持って私に近づいてくるのは遠慮したいです。靴についてですが、オーダー・シューズは持っていますか? 靴は何足くらい持っていますか?


チャーリー・ワッツ 何足持っているかわからないけど、どんなスタイルの靴も持っているよ。でも、色違いでなければ同じ靴を二つ買うことはないね。ロンドンのロイヤル・アーケードにあるジョージ・クレヴァリーで靴を作ってもらっているんだけど、彼はとても有名な靴職人で、もう90歳に近いんだ。

Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
George Cleverley


I'll tell you who has really beautiful, proper film star style—Terence Stamp.  Terence has great clothes. Me and him meet up at Cleverley _[laughs]—_it's a bit of a camp world, isn't it? But he has loads more shoes; he's a bit before me. He got a head start.


Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Terence Stamp
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Terence Stamp
Charlie Watts _ Fashion
Terence Stamp


GQ : Are there any younger musicians or actors whose style you admire?


Charlie Watts : I can't think at the moment, but sure. Yeah, you meet guys all the time. Or you'll see someone in a shirt and say, God that's lovely. But it's how you wear it, isn't it? They have to be worn, not brand-new. I love old clothes. 



GQ : Have you ever bought vintage clothes?


Charlie Watts : No. You have to break them in yourself. 


GQ : You should hire someone to break them in for you.


Charlie Watts : Don't laugh. That used to be a normal thing with shoes. Most of the aristocracy, who could afford to have shoes made, would have the gardener or butler wear the shoes first, to break them in.


GQ : So the poor gardener had the horrible blisters!


Charlie Watts : Yeah, and when the shoes got comfortable they were taken away [laughs].



チャーリー・ワッツ : 今すぐには思い浮かばないな。若い奴らとはよく顔を合わせるし、着ているシャツを見て「おお!、それいいね」なんて言うこともあるだろう。でも大事なのは着こなすってことだろ? 服は着こなさなければだめなんだ。おろしたての服を着ればいいってもんじゃない。





チャーリー・ワッツ : いや、ないね。服ってものは、自分で着古すものだ。




チャーリー・ワッツ : 冗談じゃないよ。靴を他人が履き古すことはよくやったみたいだけどね。





チャーリー・ワッツ : そうなんだよ。庭師はやっと履きなれたころに、靴を取り上げられてしまうんだ。(笑)